Saturday, October 01, 2016

A Special Number

So if you know me, you know my life involves horses.  Eventing is my sport.  Jake is my horse.

I had a really special moment today at JumpStart Horse Trials at the Kentucky Horse Park and I want to remind myself of it once I forget.  So here's the story.

One of Jake's students was showing him in her first horse trials so I played the role of horse show mom.  I was watching Jake and another teammate warm up for show jumping when a young lady approached me and said, "I'm nervous."  I engaged in the typical conversation of "breathe" and "I think you'll do fine."

She then said, "Well, I'm the one at Kentucky Classique who demolished jump two."

I replied, "Oh I was your ring steward and I remember that!"

For those of you unfamiliar with Eventing, that's incredibly poor manners.  Coaches always tell their students "nobody will remember" when you have an epic fail.  Clearly, I am not a coach.

I can't remember the exact words of the conversation but I quickly learned that her coach injured her back earlier in the morning and could not continue coaching.  She was at the warmup alone.  She was nervous. She was worried.  So, of course, I asked if she needed help.  She gladly accepted my offer.

I quickly got her name and looked up her number, jump time, etc. and instructed her to start trotting/cantering so I could see how they go.  She started jumping and I gave her tips and her warmup improved.  I asked how she felt about going on to the ring early and she said she was ready.

After walking to the ring gate, I asked if she had any questions.  She asked how to ride a line.  Um.  I didn't even know the course, let alone, had I walked it.  She knew it was six strides so I gave her how I "thought" I would ride it, a couple last tips, and in the ring she went.

I clucked, legged, and half-halted with her every stride on the course.  She overcame and had her first double clear at the Kentucky Horse Park.  She was thrilled.  I was thrilled.  Her mother was thrilled.
Gracie Roades and Moves Like Jagger

I friended them on Facebook and ran into them again walking around the Cross Country course.

Now that I've had some time to reflect, I know why this experience was so special to me.  I'm sure I didn't tell her anything she hadn't heard before but I was there as support and I was also in her stirrups a few short years ago when we regularly had rough stadium rounds.  I remember my first double clear in that ring.  I remember the incredible sense of accomplishment.  I remember the partnership I felt with Jake that we had finally succeeded in jumping those dang standards and sticks.  I still have my number from that show hanging on my desk calendar.  Every time I look at it, I am reminded that I can overcome obstacles and be successful with hard work.  It is a special number indeed.

So now I conclude with, thank you, Gracie.  Thank you for picking me out of the people standing on the rail so I could remember that feeling again and share in your moment.

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